We are in the process of finding qualfied individuals that can assist with every day operations including fund raising, program management, and social media.
Call your local food banks
Find out what food items they are needing verus what is being donated. Do they need water? What items do they need that are not being donated!
Become a Business Mentor!
Small business startups need alot of handholding for the most basic operations. First year: 20% of new businesses fail
First two years: 20% of new businesses fail
First five years: 45% of new businesses fail
We want our small business to suceed.
You can reach out to us by sending us a direct email. But we do ask you to join our mailing list / newsletter. We just got our 501c3 status in June 2024. So currently we are just getting started. Thanks for your interest.
Working Hours
Mon to Fri - 10 AM to 3 PM